Welcome to thomthom.net
This is the personal website of Thomas Thomassen, graduated with bachelor in Modelmaking, but is now running his own webdesign company.
The Blog is Dead! Long live the Blog!
Monday, 16 April 2012
Sketchup Vertex.position speed performance
Sunday, 11 April 2010
LULT - Sidebar - Changelog
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Document History Viewer – Making use of <del> and <ins>
Saturday, 22 March 2008
<del> and <ins> in lists
Saturday, 22 March 2008
My varied collection of work including traditional drawings, digital drawings, physical modelmaking and 3D graphics. Here's some random samples:
A space where I document some of my many projects and ideas. Each project has its own mini website.
This forum was a practice for me to learn PHP when I first created the site. It still uses the original layout from 2003.
External Websites
My account at deviantArt. This is where I previously have uploaded my work. Still maintained.
My account at Wincustomize where I upload skins, themes and application design.
Good and friendly UK based forum for webdesigners.
Webmasters Blog
News for webdesigners and web masters, with tutorials and more.